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Support Our Library

We would be thrilled to receive your support either as a volunteer or as a donator of money or books. If you are keen to help us out, please follow the instructions below. Thank you so much.

Donate Books

We will always welcome the donation of relatively new books (less than a year old) or non-fiction works of particular significance to our area. Please pop in and talk to our volunteers if you have books to offer.


The Redcliffs Community Library has always been run by a dedicated group of volunteers from all over Christchurch. We couldn't exist without the support of the community and we are always keen to welcome new members. Volunteering at the library is very easy and a small commitment of as little as 3 hours every fortnight. Our volunteers include a wide range of people of all ages and backgrounds and if you would like to join us,

Please get in touch with Les at: 027 257 0419. 

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